Cities Must Comply With California's Minimum Wage Laws
Employment and Labor Law Update: This week, the Court of Appeal held that the California state legislature may constitutionally exercise...

PAGA Representative Actions Remain Alive and Kicking
Wage and Hour/Labor Law Update: The California Supreme Court's 2014 decision on Iskanian v. CLS Transportation Los Angeles, LLC -- which...

California's Employment and Jobs Forecasts Predict Slower Growth
The Los Angeles County Economic Development Corp.’s 2019 Regional Forecast and Economic Outlook predicts that California’s economy is...

Who is Your Employer? The Ninth Circuit Rules that "Control" is the Principle Guidepost.
In U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Global Horizons, Inc., 2019 S.O.S. 16-35528, the Court of Appeals for the Ninth...